welcome to the money store

hello there, i am rony, and this is my website, or i should i say it, my personal blog, this is will be my personal way of expressing myself not through art, i will express myself through words that makes kinda sense at least to me, i am not good at coding so i will pay up putting up some confusing shit and art i like, i know you will judge

no, i wont put anything directly personal or about myself here, only my thoughts and things i like, feel free to look at it if you get interested

so... uh, welcome!!!

about me

i am an artist, and i love art, i absolutely love art, its the third thing i most love in the whole world, but i love one art more than any other, music, goddamn how i love music, the most comforting thing in the whole world is music, because it understands you, it soothes you, it makes you better, it gives you senses when youre feeling numb, its my second favorite thing in the world, anyway, all of that melodramatic stuff aside, i make music, u can find my stuff in the links i will put below, and all that said, thats pretty much it

here are the links to stuff i like


here are the things i write to express myself, feel free to see them :)